2020 was a year for change, and we all know I am not talking about dolla dolla bills ya’ll. There should have been an announcer on January 1st telling us to fasten our seatbelts and keep our hands and feet inside the moving car at all times. There were so many ups and downs that our heads were constantly spinning. But somehow we are still here. What would life be if there wasn’t change?
There were times this year that I struggled to be thankful or grateful for the things I had. Other times, I was drowning in gratitude. I will be the first to admit, that more often than not, I was bitter and unable to see all that I had gained… besides the weight from stress eating.
Today, Thanksgiving will look a little different, our tables will be more empty, but maybe our hearts will be more full. I know as I look back on this entire year I will be so much more thankful for the things I have experienced and the path that has lead me to today. It will shape my mind and my heart to cherish every moment, big or small, just a little bit more.
2020 has changed me, and my business in so many ways. I sit here writing to you, appreciating the time I used to pray for to grow my business. I never dreamed it would come in the form of a pandemic, turning our world on its head. The constant blows to my business through canceled weddings, sessions, reschedules and slowed bookings were devastating. Somehow though, I found strength.
When I think of 2020, I am so glad I made the choice not to give up. Challenging myself every single day to grow just a little more, to learn something new, to be just a little better. As the new year approaches, still full of uncertainty, I have a new perspective on how I will face the challenges it brings. There is hope and excitement, as much as there is fear.
This morning, I opened the folder I labeled 2020 when I clicked my camera for the first time this year. Seeing the dozens of sub folders for each session, wedding, and client humbled my heart. What felt like a slowed year, proved me wrong as plain as day. Despite the struggles, there was still abundance.
Hashtag Blessed
I am blessed beyond measure for good health, a loving husband, a supporting family and a growing business. I wish that I could have seen these things during the lowest lows. The nights I cried myself to sleep filled with worry and anxiety, I should have seen the light. So many times, I said that things couldn’t get worse, and somehow they did. But when we hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up. Up I went. Sometimes back down again. Each climb back up I got stronger, I fought harder.
2020 has taught me perspective, humility, drive, ambition, faith, and to be thankful that each day I get the chance to wake up and be better. I get the chance to be a better wife, friend, daughter, photographer, and business owner. I know this year is not over, and there will still be curveballs. I am just thankful that I get the opportunity to face them.
My heart is full of so many mixed emotions this Thanksgiving. It’s sad for the world and the families who won’t get to celebrate with loved ones. It’s joyful for the lives that were brought into this world and the lives saved by our frontline workers. My heart is grateful for my clients, the constant support, patience and understanding that I have been given. It’s stressed, amazed, confused, determined, loving, broken, optimistic, apprehensive, and so many other emotions. But most importantly, it’s still beating. Each beat reminding me that I am still here and every day is a blessing, even on the hardest days.
A Heartfelt Thank You
If you have read this far, I want to tell you that I am thankful, FOR YOU! I am thankful that somehow your path has crossed mine and you have found this post. I am thankful that you care enough to share just a few moments of your holiday with me. My life would not be what it is without people like you.
However your Thanksgiving may look this year, I hope you find something to be grateful for. Even if it is just the heart beating inside of your chest. You are a blessing, please never forget that. You too will experience lows, that feel like they couldn’t get any lower. Always remember, every low will eventually have an up. Whether we have met or not, I am here and thankful for YOU!
From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! May your 2020 have been a year of change.
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