There is something to be said for an elegant Cleveland Museum of Art Engagement Session. The iconic location in downtown Cleveland lends lush greenery, a dreamy lagoon, gorgeous fountain and breathtaking architecture. When Sami and I began planning her engagement session with Zach, we knew this had to be the place, and it was perfect!
Sami and Zach are two of the most fun-loving people. There was rarely a moment that they weren’t laughing during their session. Zach certainly knew how to say all of the right things to get the best smile on Sami’s face, just like the night he said all the right things in a small bar that led to the amazing relationship they have now.
When Sami was a senior at Ashland University, she went out with some friends to celebrate her roommate’s 21st birthday. Little did she know she would meet the love of her life. Zach happen to be out the same night, also with a group of friends and happen to end up in the same bar as Sami. Someone in Zach’s group spotted her from across the bar and asked Zach to be his wing-man so he could ask Sami to dance. Sami shot Zach’s friend down twice, as it wasn’t a dancing type of place and she doesn’t like having everyones eyes on her. After the second failed attempt, Zach began to strike up conversation with her. After a night of talking and drinks they parted with an epic, movie-like, kiss.
After about a year of dating, Sami and Zach took a trip to South Carolina to watch her sister play softball with her family, and to look at apartments. In-between games, they all went to a local waterfall where Zach got on one knee. Sami thought he was joking and tried to pull him up from his kneeling. It took a moment, but she realized he was serious and the emotions flooded in. She obviously said yes and all of the tourists around cheered for them, along with her family!
During their session I got to hear about their love, their lives, goals and their sweet pup scout. We had so much fun talking that we decided to get some tacos and keep chatting after their session had ended! It’s the fun, playful loving relationships like Sami and Zach’s that I absolutely adore. They are so easy to talk to and clearly meant for one another. I cannot wait to celebrate their big day with them next June!
Check out a few of my favorite images from Sami and Zach’s Elegant Cleveland Museum of Art Engagement Session:
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